Q – I changed the fan belt on my Carrera (1989). After I did it, I noticed a “jingling” sound in the engine near the fan. It wasn’t there before. What do you think? – Patrick

A –   That jingling noise was the small change you saved by doing it yourself. That sound will soon change to a loud “grating” noise that foretells the failure of the inner and outer pulley sheave and perhaps the alternator. Shut it off!

Porsche and VW used shims to adjust the working diameter of the alternator/fan pulley. When you change the fan belt, the shim pack also must be adjusted by moving shims from the center to the outside of the outer pulley or vice versa. A new fan belt is a little fatter than the old belt. Without shimming the pulley, if you simply install the belt and tighten the pulley nut until the belt feels “tight”, the inner and outer sheaves may not be properly tightened. This causes the pulley components to wear against one another. In a few hundred miles, the assembly may come apart all by itself and ruin the alternator, the fan, and cause the engine to overheat!

Your best bet is to visit your Porsche specialist and ask if you can watch (and take notes) as the process takes place. Call it tuition. And I sure hope you shut it off in time. – MC