Q – I am interested in finding (and using as a daily driver) a late 70’s Porsche Carrera. Where is the best place to shop for a car, which version is the most reliable, and are there any pitfalls for a carbureted 911? Thank You.   Tom

A – First of all, join the Porsche club if you are not already a member.  The best cars stay within the club membership.  Rarely do you find a great car on Craigslist; but look anyway. Check the want ads in the Panorama, in regional newsletters and in Excellence magazine.

Look for a southern or western car and have it inspected at its current location for obvious problems. If it passes there, conclude the purchase. Once it is transported to you, have it inspected at a local shop with experienced Porsche technicians. Do not buy a carbureted version…period.  They are a pain in the butt (but I do work on them).  For an occasionally driven car, fuel injection is far easier to live with and much easier to understand.

Regarding the price, spend 2/3’s of your total budget for the car and save 1/3 of your budget for repairs and updates. Remember: Good versions of this car are not cheap and cheap cars are usually not good. Now if you find a car you are considering, send me the link and I will be glad to offer an opinion.  MC